Broadband Consumer Labels

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Beat the broadband label deadline

Everything you need to know about Broadband Consumer Labels from your friends at CrowdFiber and Pivot.

Everything you need for Broadband Labels

Whether you’re looking for full-service support or simply need help creating and managing your FCC-compliant broadband labels, you’ve come to the right place. NRTC companies CrowdFiber and Pivot have teamed up to help you make a smooth transition.

Step 1 - Simplified Label Management

Our central hub, powered by CrowdFiber, makes it easy to create, update, and display your labels for the long term.

  • One-click label creation
  • Permanent label storage
  • Dynamic label display
  • Label history & archive
  • Machine readability

Step 2 - Point of Sale Compliance

Pivot and CrowdFiber can help you meet the requirements for providing broadband facts at the point of sale.


  • Website label display
  • Simple breakdowns
  • Printed label materials
  • QR codes linked to labels

Step 3 - Team Training

Get your employees ready to explain FCC broadband labels to your customers.

  • On demand training
  • Customizable training modules
  • Customer service scripts


What is a Broadband Label?

Labels that must disclose important information about broadband prices, introductory rates, data allowances, and broadband speeds, and include links to information about network management practices, privacy policies, and the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program.

Who is Pivot?

Offering point of sale compliance and team training for the new FCC broadband facts labels, Pivot is the broadband industry’s leading marketing agency. Pivot helps broadband providers grow by gaining a deeper understanding of their markets, connecting with their target audiences, and converting touch points into great customer experiences.

What is CrowdFiber?

Helping you generate and manage broadband consumer labels, CrowdFiber is an address-driven sales automation platform for telecom providers. Providers of all sizes and stages use CrowdFiber to acquire, engage and retain customers in dramatically new ways.

We need help with Broadband Labels